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Canals and rivers
There are many river basin canals in Phulbari union, where some of 
them are famous names.

1. Sukhdh river: The most famous hut of Phulbari Hat in Sariakandi upazila 
                   is situated on the bank of the Sukhdhah river.
2. Bangali River: The Bengali river prevailed on the east side of the union.


Sl no The name of beell Location Wards no
01 Vittapara Fotkari beel Fulbari Vittapara 02
02 Batkamari Beel Amtoli Mollahpara Madle 04
03 Ruyor Beel Fulbari Uttar 01
04 Makhnar Beel Fulbari Uttar 01
05 Choton Beel Ramchandra from Dahpara till