Population by Wards
Ward |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Ward-01 |
3272 |
3071 |
6343 |
Ward-02 |
2113 |
1907 |
4020 |
Ward-03 |
2852 |
2561 |
5413 |
Ward-04 |
2815 |
2560 |
5375 |
Ward-05 |
2572 |
2463 |
5215 |
Ward-06 |
1992 |
1769 |
3761 |
Ward-07 |
2562 |
2377 |
4939 |
Ward-08 |
1687 |
1566 |
3253 |
Ward-09 |
1728 |
1708 |
3436 |
All Total |
21773 |
19982 |
41775 |
The number of people based on the birth registration register up to date 17/10/2017
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS