Ansar VDP:
A volunteer force recognized by the government formed for the purpose of providing security and peace in rural areas and for the socio-economic reorganization of the country. After the partition of India in 1947, the law and order situation deteriorated due to the emigration of a large number of new states of India and Pakistan. In this situation, the East Bengal government felt the necessity of forming a volunteer force to protect internal discipline. Accordingly, the Ansar Act 1948 in the East Bengal Legislative Assemblys passed. Subsequently, the rules of the Ansar Act (1948) were issued. Since the establishment till 1972, the organization of the Ansar was under the control of the National Service Board. In 1973 it came under the control of the Interior Ministry. In 1980 a separate cadre was formed in Bangladesh Civil Service (Ansar).
Gram Police Responsibility:
One of the responsibilities of the Union Parishad is to ensure the security of the rural people and their goods.In order to perform this duties, each Union Parishad has appointed Mahalladas and Dafadars.The work of the mahalladas and dafadars is to be arranged in the villages and mohallas of the union and help the police to stop crime.If there is a situation arising out of suspicion that a person may or may cause peace in the union In this regard, the Ombudsman and Dafdar will inform the OC of the police station and report to him at least once in 15 days. Any kind of union Moreover, railline, telephone or telegram or electric line, tube well, and other government When the property is damaged, the public or the Mahalladas and Daphdar Union Parishad will be informed.Accordingly, the union council concerned authorities In some cases, the mohalladar and the dafdadars may arrest the magistrate without the injunction and warrant, such as if a court Neglected offense, or someone has a sidel appliance or stolen goods or someone escaped from the custody and went into hiding in the village. If there is any possibility of any damages or irrigation project, or if any property of the Union Parishad is wrong,It has to be told to the Union Parishad immediately.But then They have to be handed over to the police station as soon as possible. Besides, one of the main functions of Mahalladar is to be registered in the birth and death register.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS